Sunday, 16 January 2011

How to clean Index.dat files in Internet Explorer 7?

This article will show you how to clean Index.dat files in Internet Explorer 7. Though some functions of Index.dat files are useful, they are dangerous privacy threat - anyone who has access to your computer can see history of almost all your computer activities with little knowledge about Index.dat.

What are index.dat files in Internet Explorer 7?

The Index.dat files are used by Internet Explorer and Windows to store history, Cookies, Internet cache, User Data records and other information about your PC activities. They can help users browse the web easier and more efficiently. If the information is too big to fit in the index.dat files themselves, it is placed in external files and the index.dat file serves as index or table of contents, which helps the Internet Explorer to find the full information.

Why should we clean Index.dat files in Internet Explorer 7?

As we mentioned above, some functions of the Index.dat files are useful. They can help Internet Explorer Server to find full information of users want. But they are dangerous privacy threats on the other side – anyone who has access to your computer can see history of almost all your computer activities even he is only with little knowledge about locations and structure of Index.dat files.

How to clean Index.dat files in Internet Explorer 7?

Among large number of privacy threats, the Index.dat files are the most dangerous and complicated ones because they are hard to find and delete. In most cases it is impossible to delete Index.dat files manually because Windows keeps them open all the time. Although Microsoft does not include a way to delete these files in Internet Explorer 7, a free PC utility called TuneUp360 can help you to clean all the Index.dat files in Internet Explorer 7 and keep your web browsing to yourself. With TuneUp360 you only need follow 3 simple steps as shown below:

Step 1: Download TuneUp360 for free
Right click the “Free Download Now” button and check “Save link as” to download the setup file. This process will take about 1 to 2 minutes which depends on your network speed. The current version of TuneUp360 is

Step 2: Install and run TuneUp360Double click the setup file and follow the instructions to install it. In the last step of installation click “Launch” to run. It will auto check your computer information, performance, stability and security within 1 minute.

Step 3: Click “FIX NOW” button to clean Index.dat files in Internet Explorer 7
All the Index.dat files in Internet Explorer 7 will be cleaned within 2 minutes.Publish Post
Tips & Warnings
1. Clean Index.dat files with TuneUp360 will prevent you from deleting useful information by mistake since it will create a Restore Center after each fix. This Restore Center is very helpful especially for users who are not familiar with computer.
2. TuneUp360 can not only clean Index.dat files but also clean registry, Internet temporary files, junk files and more. What’s more, the key feature of it is to speed up PC for both home users and busy people. It also provides free computer health check each time you open it. If there are any Windows errors on your computer, it will reports to you. You need only click the "FIX NOW" button to fix all of them.
3. You can also use other third-party software besides TuneUp360. Please note: the third-party software need be safe, clean and free one would be better.


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